The fourth in the Snow Sisters series. Three brave sisters must race to discover their magical powers and save their home and their parents from the evil Shadow Witch! Luckily, they have a brave polar bear cub and a cast of cute snowy animals to help them...
It's the Day of the Midnight Sun and the evil Shadow Witch is ready to use all her power to steal the magic of the Everchanging Lights and turn the skies dark forever...
In their final quest, the Snow Sisters must be braver and stronger than they ever imagined. How will they reach Silfur Falls and return the Everchanging Lights to the sky before the clock strikes midnight?
Beautifully illustrated throughout by Monique Dong, this magical action-adventure with real heart is perfect for fans of Frozen. The Snow Sisters series will have 7+ readers hooked till the final page.
Check out all the Snow Sisters' adventures!
The Silver Secret, The Crystal Rose, The Frozen Rainbow and The Enchanted Waterfall.
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