I am a new author and I want to make everyone aware that I am NOT by any stretch of the word an attorney. However, I did work as a paralegal/secretary in the personal injury / medical malpractice field as well as the foreclosure/bankruptcy field for close to 20 years in two firms and I have learned many of the secrets that can protect and save you a lot of headaches in the long run. I can confidently say that I know the BASIC direction and process of how to get started after you’ve had an auto accident and this preparedness just doesn’t go for one state, it goes for all states as what I am giving you here in this book is a more directed common-sense advice, and it is not advice by an attorney.
- 9781370015573
- 9781370015573
- Personal injury
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Ma Journals
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