RE-ENTER THE SONJAVERSE! Writer CHRISTOPHER HASTINGS (Gwenpool) and artist PASQUALE QUALANO (Dejah Thoris) return to the mysterious Sonjaverse with more tales ripped from the multiverse where every dimension and every timeline has its own distinct version of everyone’s favorite She-Devil With a Sword! NOIR Sonja. YELLOW Sonja. PURPLE Sonja. BLUE Sonja. Each from a world all their own, from a rain-slicked city of grim mysteries to a steampunk world filled with demons, even a far-flung future of mech and kaiju. But each of them is under the watchful eyes of HELL SONJA, who gathers all the Sonjas in the epic finale where all hell breaks loose! Collecting Sonjaversal #6-10, plus a complete cover gallery!
- 9781524121570
- 9781524121570
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Dynamite Entertainment
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