Paul Lester traces the extraordinary career of Alicia Beth Moore from Pennsylvania through her stint in the girl group Choice to her present incarnation as global superstar P!NK . Split Personality reveals the two sides of this complex artist: the feisty fun-filled performer who at thirty continues to conquer in a teen-dominated industry and the conflicted woman whose dark urges have fuelled her deceptively upbeat glossy brand of hi-tech pop. Here too are full accounts of P!NK 's notorious campaigns for PETA that prompted a run-in with fell R&B goddess Beyoncé her controversial marriage to motocross racer Carey Hart and her triumphant return to peak form with 2008's Funhouse album. This is a pop biography that makes for a truly exciting read that's worthy of it's electrifying subject!
- 9780857120144
- 9780857120144
- Individual composers & musicians
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Omnibus Press
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