Filled with the sights and sounds of the pre-World War II era, Sprouting Wings (the first novel in the Alan Ericsson series) pulls readers into the tensions of the daily life of our military men and women. From working with new equipment to working with the US Navy’s diverse population—and strong egos—few punches are pulled as Alan finds himself riding the forefront of technology. Having survived a submarine sinking, can Alan make it as an aviator? Will he and his new love make it through months apart as they both pursue their dreams? Can love—and Alan—survive the lead-up to war? Though Sprouting Wings is a work of fiction, it is peppered with the kind of historical facts and figures (complete with photographic illustrations) which will bring the story to life—whether you are simply looking for a good story or are an avid World War II enthusiast.
- 9781634133111
- 9781634133111
- War & combat fiction
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Two Harbors Press
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