Who's Stan Lee? The Avengers, The Incredible Hulk, Superman, Black Panther, Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, Doctor Strange are just few of the Marvel superheroes to be a product of Stan Lee's work. In fact, Stan Lee was one of the people responsible for the growth of Marvel Studios, and movies like The Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame would not have been possible without him. True story!
Most of the superheroes in movies we love today date back in the mid 20th century, as Stan was first involved with comics and graphic novels. He was promoting his work in the Marvel stories and characters in comics for years. That's how he started at first. For example, the first "Incredible Hulk" made its debut on television in 1977 and emerged as a comic book in 1962. This was way before "The Incredible Hulk" movie in 2008. It was a long battle a process to break through in Hollywood, but for Stan it was fun, like a game, and he did it. If you have watched any of the Marvel comics films, you probably noticed some of the Stan Lee cameos. The most famous one was in Captain America:Civil War, where he called Tony Stark, "Tony Stank" in the middle of nowhere. Hilarious!
So how Stan Lee came up with all those iconic superheroes and legendary character ideas and how he was able to put them to work to delight so many fans worldwide? This biography is about a great visionary, very talented human being, and such a central figure in the American entertainment history. You'll learn more about his private and professional life, more importantly, you'll discover what's like to be Stan Lee!
Stan Lee shaped and changed the American culture with his work, by creating new world realms to inspire what's possible beyond our imagination. It is not just about entertainment, there's also a moral message to each story Stan Lee left behind.
If you want to learn more about this legend, this biography is your "portal" to his life!
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