Standing on the Shoulders of Giants is a book that opens up the vastly unexplored subject of mantles. Just as Elijah passed on his mantle (his anointing) to Elisha, we see clearly through the pages of this book just exactly how mantles are transferred, received, and imparted through the workings of the Holy Spirit. This fascinating topic is highlighted by biblical illustrations, modern day stories, and the author's own extraordinary personal testimony. This book is essential reading for those who desire to be positioned for the soon coming move of God that is destined to break upon the Church with an unprecedented deluge of God's glory, His cleansing fire, and an enormous harvest of souls that will be of epic proportions.
- 9780768496437
- 9780768496437
- Uncategorized
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Destiny Image, Inc.
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