Return to DS9 as death casts its shadow on the space station in this thrilling whodunit where dangers lurk around every corner. Constable Odo searches for truth amid a web of treachery and lies as it seems everyone on the Promenade has a motive for this murder, be it vengeance, justice, or old-fashioned greed. With the murderer on the loose, various factions begin to emerge, a situation made even worse when the Ferengi government gets involved. Further complicating the issue, conflict between Constable Odo and the Federation's hand-picked criminal investigator threatens to derail the investigation before it even begins...
- 9781684069507
- 9781684069507
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- IDW Publishing
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