Following the climactic events of Season Two's finale, Jean-Luc and Seven of Nine launch an unsanctioned mission that sets the stage for the upcoming Season Three! When the Stargazer, under a new captain, mysteriously disappears, Jean-Luc Picard is once more compelled away from his chateau to confront the shadows of his past. Before his days on the Enterprise, a young Picard violated the Prime Directive for the greater good...and created an enemy that now threatens not only the Stargazer, but an entire system. For Seven of Nine, agreeing to help Picard means putting her own future at risk—but is it even the future she wants? Star Trek: Picard creator Kirsten Beyer reteams with veteran Trek comics scribe Mike Johnson and artist non-pareil Angel Hernandez for an adventure that promises to unearth secrets—of the past, present, and future—at every turn!
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
Publication Date: 16/04/2024
- 9781649361073
- 9781649361073
- Category:
- Graphic novels
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
- Publication Date:
- 16-04-2024
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- IDW Publishing
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