Stop Drinking!: Practical Solutions to Control Alcohol and Change Your Life

Stop Drinking!: Practical Solutions to Control Alcohol and Change Your Life

by Wendy Cole
Publication Date: 13/03/2017

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Stop Drinking! Practical Solutions to Control Alcohol and Change Your Life

While there is nothing wrong with celebratory or occasional drinking alone or with friends, there is definitely something not good about drinking too much and too often, too much that you have lost complete control over your alcohol intake.

If you feel that you or any of your members of your family, friends and loved ones, need help in beating this constant craving for alcohol, then this book is definitely for you. Reading this will:

  • Help you learn about the hidden reasons why people resort to being alcohol depended.

  • Learn about the negative effects of alcohol intake.

  • Find out practical ways to beat alcohol dependency and addiction

  • Experience and enjoy the benefits of alcohol recovery

  • Learn how to stay away from alcohol and show support to those who are on their way to complete recovery

  • And so much more

You do not have to be a therapist, nor do you need to check yourself in at alcohol recovery institutions or facilities in order to beat the habit. Read the book and find the help that you or your loved ones need.

Don’t Delay. Download This Book Now.

Publication Date:
Guava Books

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