Strangling the Axis

Strangling the Axis

by Richard Hammond
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 30/06/2020

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This is a major reassessment of the causes of Allied victory in the Second World War in the Mediterranean region. Drawing on a unique range of multinational source material, Richard Hammond demonstrates how the Allies' ability to gain control of the key routes across the sea and sink large quantities of enemy shipping denied the Axis forces in North Africa crucial supplies and proved vital to securing ultimate victory there. Furthermore, the sheer scale of attrition to Axis shipping outstripped their industrial capacity to compensate, leading to the collapse of the Axis position across key territories maintained by seaborne supply, such as Sardinia, Corsica and the Aegean islands. As such, Hammond demonstrates how the anti-shipping campaign in the Mediterranean was the fulcrum about which strategy in the theatre pivoted, and the vital enabling factor ultimately leading to Allied victory in the region.

Military history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Cambridge University Press
Richard Hammond

Richard Hammond is internationally famous for co-presenting TOP GEAR with Jeremy Clarkson and James May.

He has produced and presented insightful documentaries for BBC One, examining the lives of two of his heroes, Sir Stirling Moss and Evel Knievel.

He is the author of a number of bestselling books including ON THE EDGE, AS YOU DO, and IS IT JUST ME? In 2015, Richard, Jeremy, James and Andy Wilman began work on THE GRAND TOUR for Amazon Prime.

Richard is married to Mindy and has two daughters, Izzy and Willow. He shares his garage with a vast and ever-changing collection of motorcycles both vintage and current.

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