Divide and conquer, the tar-baby syndrome--these are just two of the strategies that the fallen angels (and our own dweller-on-the-threshold) use to trip us up. These strategies of darkness are ancient. Even in the Garden of Eden we can see a typical ploy of the fallen ones to lead the soul astray. Strategies of darkness caused the downfall of the golden ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. And the plots are the same today. Don't be caught off guard! Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveal 33 strategies of the forces of darkness--and the strategies of light to counteract them.
- 9781609880033
- 9781609880033
- Popular beliefs & controversial knowledge
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Summit University Press
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