Sudoku Junior Volume 3 EBook contains total of 228 puzzles organized at 5 different difficulty levels (1-5) which includes 2X3, 3X2, 2X4, and 4X2 with all of their solutions respectively. The instruction to play both in English and Spanish. This book was designed for junior level sudoku players. Each individual puzzle has a single unique solution based on logical strategies and no "guessing" or "Trial & Error" are required. Please note that this is a DRM FREE EPUB format EBook and you should be able to print your puzzles or solve them on any device that allows drawing or typing text over an image (EXAMPLE: Paint Application with the *.JPEG, *.GIF, *.PNG image) and it is not an interactive game.
- 9781614260257
- 9781614260257
- Sudoku & number puzzles
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- YobiTech Consulting
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