- Foreword by Bishop Karen Oliveto. Oliveto is the first openly lesbian bishop to be elected in the United Methodist Church.
- Resonates with young people as it is both a memoir of coming of age and of coming out.
- Readers looking for queer stories—Cultural shifts in the last twenty years have greatly impacted the book industry and reading public. Readers are actively looking for queer stories and this memoir of bisexuality and spirituality is one of a kind.
- Award-winning and beloved writer and teacher—since the initial publication of Swinging on the Garden Gate, Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew has gone on to become a respected teacher and writer. She has published award-winning books on the craft of writing spiritual memoir and revision as a spiritual practice and so it is a wonderful tribute to her career to bring back into print her own stunning memoir.
- 9781558968790
- 9781558968790
- Gay & Lesbian studies
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Skinner House Books
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