It was absolutely impossible. Twenty-five chess masters from the world at
large, foregathered in Boston for the annual championships, unanimously
declared it impossible, and unanimity on any given point is an unusual
mental condition for chess masters. Not one would concede for an instant
that it was within the range of human achievement. Some grew red in the
face as they argued it, others smiled loftily and were silent; still
others dismissed the matter in a word as wholly absurd.
A casual remark by the distinguished scientist and logician, Professor
Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen, provoked the discussion. He had, in the
past, aroused bitter disputes by some chance remark; in fact had been
once a sort of controversial centre of the sciences. It had been due to
his modest announcement of a startling and unorthodox hypothesis that he
had been invited to vacate the chair of Philosophy in a great university.
Later that university had felt honoured when he accepted its degree of
LL. D.
For a score of years, educational and scientific institutions of the
world had amused themselves by crowding degrees upon him. He had initials
that stood for things he couldn't pronounce; degrees from France,
England, Russia, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Spain. These were expressed
recognition of the fact that his was the foremost brain in the sciences.
The imprint of his crabbed personality lay heavily on half a dozen of its
branches. Finally there came a time when argument was respectfully silent
in the face of one of his conclusions.
The remark which had arrayed the chess masters of the world into so
formidable and unanimous a dissent was made by Professor Van Dusen in the
presence of three other gentlemen of note. One of these, Dr. Charles
Elbert, happened to be a chess enthusiast.
"Chess is a shameless perversion of the functions of the brain," was
Professor Van Dusen's declaration in his perpetually irritated voice. "It
is a sheer waste of effort, greater because it is possibly the most
difficult of all fixed abstract problems. Of course logic will solve it.
Logic will solve any problem--not most of them but any problem. A
thorough understanding of its rules would enable anyone to defeat your
greatest chess players. It would be inevitable, just as inevitable as
that two and two make four, not some times but all the time. I don't know
chess because I never do useless things, but I could take a few hours of
competent instruction and defeat a man who has devoted his life to it.
His mind is cramped; bound down to the logic of chess. Mine is not; mine
employs logic in its widest scope."
Dr. Elbert shook his head vigorously. "It is impossible," he asserted.
"Nothing is impossible," snapped the scientist. "The human mind can do
anything. It is all we have to lift us above the brute creation. For
Heaven's sake leave us that."
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