Jack Reed spells trouble. But has trouble met its match?
The business world trembles at the mere mention of Jack Reed but Becca Stevens has no such fear. Her pleas for him to end his hostile takeover of Lassiter Media should be laughable. Yet there's such sincerity in her eyes, such a light his own life seriously lacks. Becca wants to show him just what his ruthless quest is costing others. And he goes along with her plan, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to woo her into his bed. But is he walking right into her trap–one that neither of them will want to escape?
- 9781488702181
- 9781488702181
- Adult & contemporary romance
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mills & Boon Desire
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