In the 15th book of Tashi's magical adventures, Tashi outwits the Warlord, with the help of a dazzling Phoenix, in order to get his Uncle Tiki Pu out of terrible trouble. And then he persuades the Emperor to let Princess Sarashina's sister marry her true love.
Uncle Tiki Pu has put Tashi's family at risk by boasting to the Warlord that he has captured the most dazzling creature in the world. Now the Warlord wants to see it, or else. And Princess Sarashina has sent a letter to Tashi because her sister must marry the cruel and sneaky Khan. Can Tashi make the Emperor see what Khan is planning?
It takes more than courage to deal with Warlords and Emperors, but Tashi always has a clever idea and something useful in his pocket.
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