This book is an augmented account of Technology and Regulation: How Are They Driving Our Markets?, a conference hosted by the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College on May 1, 2007. The text includes the edited transcript of the full conference: four panels and the major presentations of three distinguished industry leaders – Ian Domowitz, Managing Director, ITG, Inc.; Erik Sirri, Director of the Division of Market Regulation, US Securities and Exchange Commission; and John Thain, who was CEO of NYSE Euronext at the time of the conference. The book also includes a related paper by Paul Davis, Mike Pagano, and myself: “Divergent Expectations,” Journal of Portfolio Management, Fall 2007. My co-editors and I have worked diligently to make this book, like all the other popular books in the series, more than an historical record. John Byrne, Antoinette Colaninno and I have edited the manuscript heavily for clarity and unity of ideas.

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