Invest responsibly and generate long-term value with the definitive guide to U.S. real estate investing written specifically for non-U.S. investors
Whether you’re an institutional investor already active or you’re seeking to enter U.S. commercial real estate markets, The AFIRE Guide to U.S. Real Estate Investing serves as both an invaluable general overview and as an evergreen reference that you’ll return to again and again.
From the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE), this new edition has been revised and expanded to bring you fully up to date on the issues and practices they need to build a solid real estate portfolio. It includes a brand-new forward, introduction, and glossary, as well as 35 new or updated chapters divided into four sections:
•Section 1: Preparing for Investment into the U.S. covers investment strategy, real estate and tax law, corporate responsibility, industry resources, and professional roles.
•Section 2: The Commercial Real Estate Lifecycle explores property due diligence, acquisition, operational management, and disposition of U.S. real estate assets.
•Section 3: Finance and Partnerships explains important financial topics, including information for lenders and borrowers, joint ventures, loans and debt, commingled funds, bankruptcy, and Islamic finance.
•Section 4: Tax and Regulatory Issues discusses securities laws, the Bank Secrecy Act, the Patriot Act, Office of Foreign Assets Control, taxation, real estate investment trusts (REITs), estates and gifts, agreements, and litigation.
Other commercial real estate guides cover individual investors, property flipping, or the technical aspects of taxation and finance. Written just for you, The AFIRE Guide to U.S. Real Estate Investing takes the unique approach of focusing on international business, finance, and real estate as well as institutional long-term, multi-generational investment.
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