The Amazing Road Trip Home - England to India with Strangers

The Amazing Road Trip Home - England to India with Strangers

by Apinder Sahni
Publication Date: 23/01/2022

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Before starting the ignition, there was a momentary exchange in silence between the brothers. Their thoughts mirrored the enormity of the journey ahead, now dawning upon them.

To India by car?

Ushering a prayer and with words of encouragement, Inder gently presses on the accelerator and heads towards Dover. It is Wednesday 4th October 1967.

An unusual newspaper advert leads to an opportunity for Inder and Gurcharan to drive a family from Slough to India. With no experience but longing to see their family, they find the strength to embark on this most epic road trip.

But the journey provides time for reflection for all wedged together in the car. The decision to leave their homeland several years before, now becomes a focal point for the brothers. And what of the family and the mystery surrounding their own reasons for the road trip?

Having never driven out of London before, can the brothers safely navigate their way home?

Travel & holiday
Publication Date:
​Apinder Sahni

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