Have you wondered about your ancestors? Have you sought them on line, in newspapers, periodicals and even DNA tests?
What if you had 52 weeks to get up close and personal with your ancestors and origins?
What if you could recognize their gifts, understand their traumas, and share their dreams and unrealized intentions?
Follow 52 guided prompts from the author-experts of The Ancestors Within book series, working in the arena of ancestral connection.
You can even make this a family activity with everyone doing the journal prompts during the course of a week and then choosing a favorite experience to record in this amazing keepsake journal. The authors of The Ancestors Within series have brought you this annotated journal companion guide to record your best experiences of ancestral connection and hand them down for many generations to come.
Never before has there been a guidebook like this, that walks you through working intimately with your ancestral connections, to have a greater understanding of your life and your origins and to create interactive experiences with The Ancestors Within you!
Huge gratitude to our prompting authors:
Asherah Allen | Bridging the Worlds
Nari Anastarsia | World Within Worlds
Joy Andreasen | Your Missing Link Connecting with Our Original Ancestors Connecting Through Nature's Wisdom
Arielle | Letting Go & Letting Go Expanded
Jesse Barrientez | The Song of the Spirits
Frank Byrum | The Power of Your Ancestors Prayers
Deena Chester | The Whispers of Your Ancestors
Tanya L. Colucci | Shamanic Journeying
Darlene De la Plata | You are The Antidote
Amy Gillespie Dougherty | The Adoptee's Dream & The Ancestral Key
Carol Dutton | Rapture Journaling
Jeanne Ruczhak Eckman | Ancestral Health Through Genealogy
Rev. Devi Grace | What's Possible
Melissa Jolly Graves | The Secrets of the Stones & Love Makes You a Hero
Jonianne Jeannette | Connecting Through Heart
Jacqueline Kane | Unlock Your Ancestral Story
James Kealiipiilani Kawainui | Clearing Ancestral Trauma & A Voice From Home
Elizabeth R Kipp | Becoming a Transitional Character & Empaths & Ancestors
Sondra Lambert | Planting a Family Tree
Rosemary Levesque | The Song of Your Soul
Rika Rivka Markel | Turning Curses Into Blessings
Lisa A. Newton | Hearing my Grandmother & Tools for Ancestral Connection
Mary Perry | Angel Mentors
Jen Piceno | Ancestral Power
Rev. Ahriana Platten | Spring Equinox & When the Homeland Calls & Fall Equinox
Crystal Rasmussen | Building Relationships With Your Ancestors & Heal Generational Trauma
Marcia Colver Reichert | The Woven Web & Singing From Ancestors
& When Ancestors are Our Soul Friends | Unexpressed Ancestral Gifts
Lore Ross | Channeling the Ancestors
Leah Skurdahl | Our Ancestors Are Related
Adriana Smith | Embracing Ancestral Chaos
Noah Smith | Ancestors & Autism
Jill Sonnek Divine | Healing Through the Tenth Chakra
Star Studonovic | With Every Beat of Your Heart
Ariann Thomas | Ancestral Family Healing
Myrna Y. Triano | Our Ancestors, the Way-Showers
Michelle Troupe | The Heart Space
Phoenix Trueblood | Reconnecting the Broken Bonds & Honoring our Ancestors
Dana Williams | Your Archetypes, Your Ancestors, & Your Inner Child
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