The Ascent of Humanity

The Ascent of Humanity

by Charles Eisenstein
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 05/02/2013

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Charles Eisenstein explores the history and potential future of civilization, tracing the converging crises of our age to the illusion of the separate self. In this limited hardcover edition of Eisenstein's landmark book, he argues that our disconnection from one another and the natural world has mislaid the foundations of science, religion, money, technology, economics, medicine, and education as we know them. It has fired our near-pathological pursuit of technological Utopias even as we push ourselves and our planet to the brink of collapse.

Fortunately, an Age of Reunion is emerging out of the birth pangs of an earth in crisis. Our journey of separation hasn't been a terrible mistake but an evolutionary process and an adventure in self-discovery. Even in our darkest hour, Eisenstein sees the possibility of a more beautiful world--not through the extension of millennia-old methods of management and control but by fundamentally reimagining ourselves and our systems. We must shift away from our Babelian efforts to build ever-higher towers to heaven and instead turn out attention to creating a new kind of civilization--one designed for beauty rather than height. Breathtaking in its scope and intelligence, The Ascent of Humanity is a landmark book showing what it truly means to be human.

"A tour-de-force filled with astounding insight, wit, wisdom and heart." --Christopher Uhl, author of Developing Ecological Consciousness: Paths to a Sustainable Future

"Quite marvelous, a hugely important work. This book is truly needed in this time of deepening crisis." --John Zerzan, author of Future Primitive and Elements of Refusal

Social & political philosophy
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
North Atlantic Books
Charles Eisenstein

CHARLES EISENSTEIN is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution. His viral short films and essays online have established him as a genre-defying social philosopher and countercultural intellectual.

Eisenstein graduated from Yale University in 1989 with a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy and spent the next ten years as a Chinese-English translator. In 2017, he was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on SuperSoul Sunday.

He is the author of Climate-A New Story (North Atlantic Books, 2018), The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible (North Atlantic Books, 2013), Sacred Economics (North Atlantic Books, 2011), and The Ascent of Humanity (North Atlantic Books, 2011).

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