The Belly of Paris

The Belly of Paris

by Émile Zola
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 25/05/2022

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In 'The Belly of Paris' by Émile Zola, readers are transported to the bustling Les Halles market in mid-19th century Paris. Zola's vivid portrayal of the sights, sounds, and smells of the market immerses the reader in this bustling world, while also exploring themes of social class, corruption, and morality. The novel is written in a naturalist style, characterized by its attention to detail and focus on the harsh realities of life. Zola's use of descriptive language brings the setting to life, making it a central character in the story. 'The Belly of Paris' is a must-read for those interested in French literature and the naturalist movement, offering a compelling look at the underbelly of Parisian society during this time period.

Classic fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Émile Zola

Emile Zola, born in 1840, was the founder of the Naturalist movement in French literature.

His novel Therese Raquin caused a scandal on publication and was followed by his brilliant Rougon-Macquart cycle (1871-1893), a series of twenty novels focussed on one family.

Zola died in mysterious circumstances in 1902, the victim of an accident or murder.

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