The book of Jonah does not cease to fascinate children and to challenge scholars alike. In terms of its literary form, imagery, and meaning, the book is both simple and profound. Moreover, it is unique among the prophetic books. It is not about the message of the prophet but rather about the prophet himself. And, unlike the other biblical prophets, Jonah was disobedient to the call of the Lord. Yet, ultimately, the Lord still achieved his purposes for Nineveh through his prophet Jonah. This commentary offers further training in original language exegesis by illustrating the significance of Hebrew for understanding and teaching the book of Jonah; as such, it fills the gap between learning the basics of Hebrew grammar and using Hebrew in practical preparation for teaching and preaching. Therefore, after a general overview of the theme and purpose of the book of Jonah, the commentary provides an in-depth analysis of the Hebrew text. Having observed how the Hebrew text informs interpretation, readers may then apply the same methods and principles to other sections of the Hebrew Bible.

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