In the Book of Life, Robert Collier shares with us the secrets of the ages. This book gives you the tools to have a happier and more successful life. Collier will show you how the way you think and the decisions you make have a direct influence on how successful and happy you are. With out the foundation that Collier laid herein, Rhonda Byrnes' The Secret could never have been written. Long before Michael Losier and James Arthur Ray reminded the world just how effective the power of positive thinking could be in Laws of Attraction and The Science of Success, there was Robert Collier's The Book of Life.
- 9781627931922
- 9781627931922
- Self-help & personal development
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Start Publishing LLC
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