The Bug Guy

The Bug Guy

by Andrea Smith
Publication Date: 24/03/2022

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I'm pushing thirty.

My career sucks.

My landlady is dead-set on being my own personal matchmaker, but she's gone too far! She's rented the other side of my duplex to a guy she claims is hot eye candy, and he has his own business!

Yep - he is 'The Bug Guy - Licensed to Kill.'

Suffice it to say, we did not get off on the right foot for a slew of reasons. But then - my 30th birthday bash happened and in a rare departure from my normal behavior, I totally lost all social inhibitions (with the help of tequila) and awoke to . . . total confusion! Did I mention I was totally naked and The Bug Guy's tee shirt was under my bed?

Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder - well, I was proven oh-so-wrong!

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Andrea Smith
Andrea Smith

Andrea Smith was born in the rural town of Emerald in Queensland, while her mum was fossicking for sapphires in the Gemfields. Exploring England in a Kombi Van, venturing over hills in Hong Kong, and surviving a ‘David and Goliath’ battle with leukaemia are just a few of her more memorable moments.

Andrea became a bibliophile at a very young age. It was her passion for books that led her to teach primary school children for over 25 years. She believes that she is smart enough to never stop learning and recently achieved a Masters High Achievement Award in Inclusive Education. Living by the sea in Hervey Bay, she shares a home with her husband and two very creative miracle girls.

When she is not at her desk tapping on a keyboard or sketching out a new character, she can be found pulling a cake out of the oven, watering sunflowers in the garden, collecting eggs from the chook house or dusting off her ever-growing collection of picture books. The Big Blue Hullabaloo is her debut book.

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