The City of God

The City of God

by Saint Augustine
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 27/03/2018

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According to the editor's preface: "The City of God is the masterpiece of the greatest genius among the Latin Fathers, and the best known and most read of his works, except the Confessions. It embodies the results of thirteen years of intellectual labor and study (from A.D. 413-426). It is a vindication of Christianity against the attacks of the heathen in view of the sacking of the city of Rome by the barbarians, at a time when the old Greco-Roman civilization was approaching its downfall, and a new Christian civilization was beginning to rise on its ruins. It is the first attempt at a philosophy of history, under the aspect of two rival cities or communities -- the eternal city of God and the perishing city of the world."

Christian theology
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Seltzer Books
Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine of Hippo was born in Thagaste, present-day Algeria, in 354 AD. A theologian and philosopher, his writings, including Confessions and The City of God, have left an enduring legacy on Christian thought.

He is recognised as one of the Latin Fathers of the Church and as a Roman Catholic Doctor of the Church.

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