The Collected Works of John Dewey

The Collected Works of John Dewey

by John Dewey
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 13/11/2022

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The Collected Works of John Dewey showcases the comprehensive writings of the influential American philosopher and educator. Known for his pragmatic philosophy and groundbreaking work in the field of education, Dewey's collected works offer profound insights into topics such as democracy, ethics, and the nature of knowledge. His clear and accessible writing style makes his complex ideas easily understandable for readers seeking a deeper understanding of philosophy and education in the early 20th century. John Dewey's background as a philosopher and educator at institutions such as the University of Chicago and Columbia University undoubtedly influenced the content of his collected works. His hands-on experience in education and his commitment to progressive ideas shine through in his writing, making his work both insightful and practical for educators and philosophers alike. I highly recommend The Collected Works of John Dewey to anyone interested in philosophy, education, or the history of ideas. Dewey's writings continue to be relevant and thought-provoking, making this collection a must-read for those looking to engage with some of the most important ideas of the 20th century.

Philosophy & theory of education
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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