Adrian Brown created The Concise Guide Calibration & Test Equipment Management Guide as a guide to setting up and running a Test Equipment Management (TEM) process within any size of the organisation.
After being involved in and around test equipment throughout his engineering career, and after noticing some members of organisations, even the organisation itself, have issues understanding, creating, then subsequently sustaining a robust workflow to protect the Test Equipment Management (TEM) quality process.
Adrian has used his experience from working within a diverse range of companies, from the Royal Air Force, through to Transport for London (TfL) along with the BMW Group to create this simple step by step guide.
The guide lays down can be applied across all aspects of test equipment management (TEM), no matter what business your organisation. From how to decide whether an item is classed as test equipment, to controlling the asset while it is in the process, through to the correct removal and disposal of the item after your organisation has no longer any use for it.
(Edition 01 v1.0.1)
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