Coping Long-Term with Active Suicide Program (CLASP): Clinician Guide is an indispensable resource for clinicians, researchers and mental health practitioners who are interested in implementing a cost-effective and proven suicide prevention intervention, with the newly developed 'Coping Long Term with Active Suicide Program' (CLASP). With a foundation grounded in theoretical models of suicide prevention, as well as in the relevant empirical literature, CLASP is unique among suicide prevention interventions in that it targets multiple risk factors for suicide using a combination of formats and therapeutic strategies. The treatment can be delivered in-person and/or via telehealth to focus on values-goals clarification, problem solving, and significant other support. This book introduces the rationale and empirical support for the CLASP intervention, followed by a session-by-session description of how to implement CLASP in clinical practice and with specific targeted populations at risk.

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