The Irish have Guinness; The Nigerians, Jollof Rice; The Amazon has Capybaras; The Andes have Chinchillas. Madagascar has her lemurs; But your car won't get there, And your plane will only fly over it, because it's an island so remote. As your gaze scans its skies; You realise you wouldn't need the coat; Because you're staring at the Afro Queen. Her wool is old, and her fur is gold and bold. This is a rare land where wildlife runs the show. A place where each creature's wealth is embedded in its looks and actions.
Welcome to Madugascar (MADAGASCAR), where the lemur is sacred. Here, you'll find vivid snakes, stunning orchids, hypocritical chameleons, and soaring baobab trees. In this book, you'll meet some cute but mesmerising creatures found ONLY in MADUGASCAR.
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