The Decline of the West

The Decline of the West

by Jensen Cox
Publication Date: 30/05/2023

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We were immersed in our own self-destruction, which is why an attack in the middle of ***Europe***took us off guard. A long period of cultural disarmament had come before the West's strategic disarmament. We must destroy our self-esteem, place the blame on ourselves, and punish ourselves in order to adhere to the dominant worldview, which the elites propagate through academia, the media, popular culture, and entertainment. We no longer have ideals to offer the world and the next generation; instead, this ideological dictatorship claims that we only have misdeeds to atone for. Western suicide would be this. The fact that the autocrats of the new imperial powers are aware of our self-sabotage is another result of Putin's aggression against Ukraine, which was supported by Xi Jinping.

It is already happening in America, the cradle of an extreme experiment. This pamphlet is a guide to exploring the unfolding disaster; it is a warning and an alarm.

Europeans still struggle to understand all the excesses of the United States, yet the contagion of the Old Continent has already begun. Fierce censorship against those who do not adhere to politically correct thinking dominates universities, the list of silenced, hunted, fired personalities is getting longer. Only ethnic and sexual minorities have rights to enforce; and no duty. Extreme environmentalism, a neo-pagan religion of our time, demonizes economic progress and predicts a future of painful sacrifices or the imminent Apocalypse.

The billionaires of digital capitalism control the young people social networks have made their slaves. Political correctness serves as a catharsis for the radical chic elite. That partnership between financial capitalism and Big Tech planned a globalisation that decimated the working class and impoverished the middle class, resulting in legions of the fallen. It is the method to escape one's obligations. By supporting the fight for minorities and the environment, the unpunished world has now joined forces with the intellectual elites. The social quiz is dismissed. Mass disparities in wealth access no longer exist. There is only "one world to save" and a variety of sexual orientations or ethnicities to incite to seek restitution.

In America this is the Gospel of the multinationals, in Hollywood and among the millionaire sports celebrities. In Europe, conformism has the seductive face of Greta Thunberg and Carola Rackete. The radical fringes don't need a mass consensus; they have learned to seduce the establishment, to hoard university professorships, to occupy the media. They can impose a new value system from above. Most of us suffer what is happening: we have not consented to suicide.

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