The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy

by Dante Alighieri
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 13/11/2022

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Dante Alighieri's 'The Divine Comedy' is a masterpiece of epic poetry that follows the author's pilgrimage through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Written in the early 14th century, this allegorical work explores themes of sin, redemption, and the nature of God's love. Alighieri's use of terza rima, a poetic form he pioneered, adds a sense of movement and rhythm to the narrative, enhancing the reader's experience of the journey. Through vivid descriptions and complex symbolism, 'The Divine Comedy' remains a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its profound exploration of the afterlife. As the first major work of Italian literature, Alighieri's epic has had a lasting impact on Western literature, influencing countless writers and poets. Dante's own political exile from Florence likely fueled his inspiration, adding a personal dimension to his exploration of divine justice and human suffering. I highly recommend 'The Divine Comedy' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of theology, philosophy, and literature, as it offers a profound and thought-provoking journey through the realms of the soul.

Literary studies: classical
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri was born in Florence Italy in 1265. In 1301, a political dispute lead to his exile from Florence.

Over the next few years he made his home in Verona, Lucca and other cities. By 1310 he had written Inferno and Purgatorio, the first two books of his Divine Comedy.

He wrote the third and concluding book, Paradiso, in the years after he found sanctuary in Ravenna in 1318.

An allegorical account of his wanderings in a spiritual wilderness and eventual salvation under the guidance of his beloved Beatrice, The Divine Comedy is recognised as Dante's masterwork and a landmark of world literature. He died in exile in 1321 and was buried in Ravenna.

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