The Book of Five Rings is a classic Japanese text by the undefeated swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. In this book, he set out the 'true principles' required for victory in the martial arts and on the battlefield. His philosophy of rigorous self-control and dealing with physical and mental conflict has been appreciated by businessmen worldwide as a valuable toolkit for achieving success. Here, respected business journalist Dominic Hale shows exactly how Musashi's axioms apply to the modern business world and can provide new perspectives on old practices.
The Entrepreneur's Guide to The Book of Five Rings contains the full text of The Book of Five Rings, with commentary breaking down each section. Illustrated with numerous case studies and containing quotes and tips from well-known leaders and innovators, The Entrepreneur's Guide to The Book of Five Rings will show you how to:
• Study your competition to help you discover your own advantages
• Adapt to changing market trends and seize the opportunities that come your way
• Define a core vision for your company and set out your principles
• Remain focused on the task at hand and avoid unnecessary distractions
• Give consistent and exceptional effort to achieve your goals
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