In an unexpected turn of events, a young man finds himself ensnared in a web of darkness and uncertainty after receiving a cryptic email from a mysterious woman seeking his assistance. Reluctantly drawn into her world, he soon discovers that this captivating and affluent young woman holds an irresistible allure over him. However, as he delves deeper into the unknown, he becomes acutely aware that once he is entangled in the clutches of malevolence, his ability to rescue her may be rendered futile. As their journey unfolds, the pair embarks on a harrowing odyssey through realms where only the deceased dare to tread. Each step they take is fraught with unrelenting terror, as they confront unimaginable horrors lurking in the shadows. Yet, amidst the spine-chilling encounters, a sense of trepidation begins to creep in, casting doubt upon their chances of escaping the clutches of the undead. They find themselves teetering on the precipice of eternal entrapment, ensnared by an unfathomably powerful evil force that even the young man himself questions whether he possesses the strength to overcome.
- 9781393517931
- 9781393517931
- Category:
- Fantasy
- Publication Date:
- 26-09-2019
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Raven Press
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