The Eye Exam: A Complete Guide is a handy reference with a primary focus on developing history and exam skills for all professionals working with patients in the eye clinic.
Written in an easy and practical format, The Eye Exam presents the proper way to perform a history and physical examination on an eye patient. The opening chapters will educate the reader on how to perform an eye history on adults, as well as special indications and techniques for examining children. Also included are chapters on the foundation of basic optics and how to perform a proper distance and near refraction exams. The Eye Exam concludes with how to perform various examination techniques and how to record the findings.
Dr. Gary Schwartz includes only the essential information about ophthalmic examinations, so that the reader is not bogged down with unnecessary information about diseases and treatments.
The Eye Exam is perfect for the eye clinic novice wanting to learn the basics and be proficient with performing routine eye exams, as well as the experienced clinician looking to enrich existing skills and understanding of the eye exam techniques.
Physical Exam Topics Include:
- Subjective and objective refraction
- Near refraction
- Color vision
- Pupil exam
- Motilities Alignment
- Slit lamp examination
- Intraocular pressure determination
- Gonioscopy Retina examination
Additional features:
- Helpful question and answer sections at the end of most chapters
- Common abbreviations used in the eye clinic
- Eye medications
- Surgical procedures
- A pocket guide of the necessary components of the basic eye history and physical exam
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