Ephraim Moses Kuh (1731-1790) was the first modern Jewish poet to be published in a Western language. He traveled widely and was a friend of Moses Mendelssohn during the Enlightenment and Haskalah. His works were compiled and edited by a friend, Moses Hirschel (1754-ca1823), as Hinterlassene Gedichte von Ephraim Moses Kuh and published in Zurich in 1792 as two volumes of over 600 poems. The first 100 poems from this compilation have been translated into English and annotated in this volume. No previous English translations of Kuh's poems are known. These poems speak of love and relationships, politics and religion, and the lives of Jews in 18th-century Europe.
- 9781310344640
- 9781310344640
- Poetry anthologies (various poets)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Mark A Schneegurt
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