The Frog Prince

The Frog Prince

by John Porter
Publication Date: 09/05/2015

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The world in which we live is permanently poised between a series of extremes; up and down, dark and light, yin and yang... life and death.

In fact the very fabric of what we experience teeters constantly on the knife edge that separates reality from fantasy.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to know where the division between the two truly lies, and often physical experiences and imagination share a hazy common ground where each one is as valid as the other. That’s when matters can become a little dangerous... the going can get a little rough... especially if we allow fantasy to challenge reality too strongly. If a fantasy somehow contains enough truth to convince those who delve into its shadows that a troubling element of reality lies dormant, the subsequent unfolding of the experience can even prove fatal... This is one in a series of short stories by the same author about cute little animals who aren't quite what they appear to be.

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John Porter

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