We present a serious essay about Physics. Our concept is to compare the two main schools found within physics with each other. From 1905 to 1928 in the Western World, pioneers of Physics; but also of Math and Engineering have been debating between Relativism and Quantum Wave Mechanics. Their main proponents were Einstein and Hendrik Antoon Lorentz. We have also added another pioneer called Henri Arzelies of the University of Bordeaux, France. He wrote a book on Relativistic Kinematics in 1956. Quotes from the Arzelies book are given as prose and math formulas. These two big schools of thought did not compete but added up to what was hopefully to become a Grand Unified Field Theory. Eventually. From 1905 to 1928 and beyond, the experts traded data freely. After all, they needed funding from the Western Allies during WWII. This was revealed to the public by the famous Copenhagen Conference of 1928.
We hope to show by quotes - the author does not claim to have any degrees in science - that it may somehow be possible in the far future for Mankind to travel beyond "c" the speed of light.
With appendices, diagrams and Bibliography.
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