The Good Parenting Food Guide offers straightforward advice for how to encourage children to develop a healthy, unproblematic approach to eating.
- Explores key aspects of children’s eating behavior, including how children learn to like food, the role of food in their life and how habits are formed and can be changed
- Discusses common problems with children’s diets, including picky eating, under-eating, overeating, obesity, eating disorders and how to deal with a child who is critical of how they look
- Turns current research and data into practical tips
- Filled with practical solutions, take home points, drawings, and photos
- Mumsnet Blue Badge Award Winner
- 9781118714904
- 9781118714904
- Physiological & neuro-psychology
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Wiley
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