Mimi lives a life of seclusion, not only from the world but from her own feelings. She lost her parents and husband in a fatal car crash years earlier in Pakistan and has since closed herself off from life and feelings. Now, all she has left is a collection of rare sacred objects and artgifts from her parents. When she returns home one day to find her home and beloved dog savaged by burglars, her shock is so great that she cant see the crime as more than what it isa simple home invasion.
But what Mimi doesnt yet know is that the break-in is a targeted attack by a vicious cult whose members are determined to recover an ancient piece of sculpture Mimi inherited from her father. They believe that the sculpture of the hand of the goddess Kali, holding a sickle and noose, has supernatural powersand they will stop at nothing to recover it from Mimis collection.
Mimis solitude and peace of mind are threatened by these attacks, but ironically, this may be just what she needs to regain control of her life.
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