Another free forever classic literature collection from N.D. Author Services [NDAS]. The main USA public domain non-fiction of H.G. Wells converted for easy reading by cross-platform ebook / ePUB standards. This volume includes:
NON-FICTION BOOKS & COLLECTIONS: Anticipations - Mr. Belloc Objects to “The Outline of History” - Certain Personal Matters - The Elements of Reconstruction - An Englishman Looks at the World - First and Last Things - Floor Games - The Future in America - God the Invisible King - The Grisly Folk - The Idea of a League of Nations - In The Fourth Year - Mind at the End of Its Tether - Mankind in the Making - This Misery of Boots - A Modern Utopia - The New Teaching of History - New Worlds for Old - Russia in the Shadows - The Salvaging of Civilization - Select Conversations With an Uncle - The Story of a Great Schoolmaster - Text-Book of Biology - The Undying Fire - War And The Future - The War That Will End War - Washington and the Riddle of Peace - What is Coming?.
JOURNALISM: "A Year of Prophesying" - "The Flying Man" - "Ancient Experiments in Co-Operation" - "Another Basis for Life" - "The Biological Problem of To-Day" - "Bio-Optimism" - "Bye-Products in Evolution" - "Concerning Skeletons" - "Death" - "The Discovery of the Future" - "The Duration of Life" - "The Flat Earth Again" - "Human Evolution:An Artificial Process" - "The Limits of Individual Plasticity" - "Little Mother Up the MÖrderberg" - "Morals and Civilisation" - "My First Aeroplane" - "On Comparative Theology" - "The Province of Pain" - "The Rate of Change in Species" - "The Rediscovery of the Unique" - "Scientific War" - "Socialism and the Family" - "The Sun God and the Holy Stars" - "A Talk with Gryllotalpa" - "A Vision of the Past" - "Will Socialism Destroy the Home?" - "Zoological Retrogression."
All NDAS Digests are (1) intended for personal, (2) applicable to some scholastic needs, and are (3) updated when new content legally available in USA Public Domain. For #2, please acquire the needed volume and show it to your instructor BEFORE your class / course begins.
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