The Hidden Life of Otto Frank

The Hidden Life of Otto Frank

by Carol Ann Lee
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 03/07/2003

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Otto Frank was the father of the most famous girl of the 20th Century. It was he who found her diaries after her death and his determination to see them published around the world. This is the first time his story has been told.

Born into a prosperous Jewish family in Berlin, his life was a portrait in miniature of the century: decorated after the Battle of the Somme, forced to flee Germany in the 1930s, betrayed and imprisoned by the Nazis in the Holocaust and finally gaining recognition bybearing witness to the century's horrors though the writings of his young daughter.

Carol Ann Lee has written a powerful biography of an extraordinary man's life caught up in history.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Penguin Books Ltd
Carol Ann Lee

Born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, in 1969, Carol Ann Lee graduated from Manchester University. Three years later, her first book, Roses from the Earth: The Biography of Anne Frank was published to great acclaim, and has been published in fifteen countries to date.

She went on to write several more best-selling books, including biographies and fiction, returning to non-fiction in 2010 with One of Your Own: The Life and Death of Myra Hindley, A Fine Day for a Hanging (2012) and The Murders at White House Farm (2015).

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