The Idea Hump

The Idea Hump

by John France
Publication Date: 10/05/2015

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The Idea Hump by John France provides the “start to the start up.”

The hardest part is getting started, taking those first steps. John shares what has helped him get started and through the ups and downs, the successes and struggles, that come with the beginning stages of an idea. In this book, John provides the how-to of doing something now with your new and great idea.

The Idea Hump is a motivating ride over, around, and through the mountain-like obstacles that loom over your idea.

What holds you back from moving forward with your idea? It is the idea hump.

By way of simplicity and sincerity John shares what he has learned in his new book, The Idea Hump.

Anyone with a great idea should read The Idea Hump, whether you are a seasoned professional, CEO, inventor, engineer, part of an R&D initiative, parent, teen, college student, recent grad, or unemployed. The Idea Hump provides lifetime skills that get you started and keep you going.

The Idea Hump is available in ebook (digital format) and print .

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John France

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