- Filled with practical insights and real-world testimonies from seasoned faith-driven entrepreneurs
- Navigates the intersection of business and Christian faith, a topic of interest for a growing segment of entrepreneurs and ministers in the marketplace
- Offers biblical wisdom blended with modern business strategies, a unique approach rarely seen in business literature
- Helps entrepreneurs understand and address the unique challenges and opportunities of aligning their faith with their business endeavors
- Provides guidance on maintaining joy amidst the challenges of entrepreneurship
- Encourages personal and professional growth by fostering a faith-infused entrepreneurial mindset
- Compiles solutions to the big questions Christians ask around money, leadership, and calling
- 9781636982953
- 9781636982953
- Advice on careers & achieving success
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Morgan James Publishing
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