First published in London 1904. This is the revised and enlarged edition of 1906.Contents Include: The Ideal Keeper Relations with Farmers Points in Law The Poacher Vermin The Dog The Moor The Partridge Deer Stalking Rabbits Pheasants Wild Duck Wildfowling in Scotland The Gillie Angling Law Diseases of Game Loaders and Gun Cleaning Various Duties etc. An ideal book for the apprentice keeper, but also one which should be in the book room of all who shoot and fish.Keywords: Wildfowling In Scotland Wild Duck Deer Stalking Gun Cleaning Poacher Pheasants Vermin Angling Partridge Loaders Rabbits Apprentice Moor Farmers Diseases Fish
- 9781528761024
- 9781528761024
- Target shooting
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Read Books Ltd.
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