In the enchanting children's fairy tale Mishap, young Michael, along with his adventurous friends, find themselves inspired by action movies and daring heists. Fueled by their imaginations, they set out to embark on their own thrilling escapade by robbing a bank. However, as they clumsily attempt to carry out their plan, a series of missteps lead to a completely unexpected turn of events - inadvertently setting fire to a nearby factory instead. Through teamwork, courage, and quick thinking, Michael and his friends must now work together to right their wrongs, learn valuable lessons about the consequences of their actions, and discover the true meaning of friendship and responsibility in the face of adversity. Michael and the Fiery Mishap is a heartwarming tale that teaches children the importance of making wise choices and owning up to mistakes, all wrapped in a captivating and adventurous narrative that will inspire young readers to dream big and think even bigger.
- 9798224770601
- 9798224770601
- Category:
- General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- Publication Date:
- 14-04-2024
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Max Marshall
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Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage)
Horror & ghost stories
General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
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