The Knockoff Trade

The Knockoff Trade

by Nicholas Schmidle
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 08/12/2011

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The trafficking and sale of counterfeit sneakers is big business, with federal agents, multinational footwear companies, and private investigators out to shut it down. But its not as easy as it seems, especially when they cant tell the real shoes from the fakes. Award-winning journalist Nicholas Schmidle investigates.

Textile industries
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
New Word City, Inc.
Nicholas Schmidle

Nicholas Schmidle joined the New Yorker as a staff writer in 2012. His first article for the magazine, ‘Getting bin Laden’, was a National Magazine Award finalist. Since then, he has written about a Russian arms trafficker, an antiquarian book forger, a wrongful conviction in Chicago, the former national-security adviser Michael Flynn, and many others. The winner of a Kurt Schork Award for freelance journalism, he is a two-time Livingston Award finalist, and has received fellowships from the Institute of Current World Affairs and the New America Foundation. In 2017, he was a Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University. He lives in London.

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