The Liberals Are Lying About Racism

The Liberals Are Lying About Racism

by David Wilson
Publication Date: 01/09/2021

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The liberals often lie about racism. The author proves that racism and discrimination are not the reason why blacks do badly in school, and are not significant factors in the job market. The liberals want us to believe that whites are hideously evil, while blacks are a bunch of saints, while the truth is that the black crime rate is much higher than the white crime rate, and blacks are far more likely to be murdered by other blacks than by whites. Furthermore, why is every single black country on Earth an economic failure? The liberals have never explained that.

Politics & government
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David Wilson
David Wilson

David Wilson is Emeritus Professor of Criminology and the founding Director of the Centre for Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University. Prior to taking up an academic appointment in 1997, David was a Prison Governor and at twenty-nine became the youngest governing governor in England.

Professor Wilson appears in the print and broadcast media as a commentator and presenter. He publishing includes Hunting Evil, A History of British Serial Killing and his autobiography, My Life with Murderers which was shortlisted for the Saltire Prize for Non-Fiction.

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