In a quest to forget my ex left me to marry a man, I turned to a few flings. Okay, more than a few, but I dare anyone to judge me after the life I’ve endured. Then, a one-night stand gets a little blurry in the emotions department. He’s muscular, smooth talking, and the chemistry is so hot that thinking about him makes me buzz. The catch is he can only commit to a one month fling. It’s so good, I agree, but it’s obvious there’s something between us that can’t be ignored. His secrets are deep, and I don’t want to get burned again yet, walking away is impossible.
I spend one month on duty guarding my Principal, and one month off letting loose. That’s my schedule, and I’m okay with it until I meet her. The night we meet is a little fuzzy, but our connection is not. When I wake up in the morning and discover my life-altering one-night stand is my Principal’s best friend, I know I’m doomed, but I make excuses to keep Auden for as long as I can. That is until both their lives are in danger and I can only save one.
My duty and honor, or the woman who I’ve fallen mercilessly for?
Always protect the heartbeat.
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